No shame here

There are many words that I think could be used to describe me. One of the first that comes to mind is shameless. I’m from your very stereotypically judgemental small town. The kind of town where moms get involved in teenage drama. I’ve never put on an act, but I definitely used to be more self-conscious. Cultivating a perfect social media presence is such a big deal to a lot of people. I can admit I’ve thought about what I post and cared about the number of likes I got, and I think I’m in the majority of us when I say that. 

In the last couple years, I’ve lost the worry of embarrassment. I wish I had some epiphany moment that I could share that brought me to this point. Honestly, I just decided I was really cool and funny and it doesn’t matter if other people don’t think that’s true. What really is stopping me from sharing a series of videos about what I made for dinner? The fear that people will think it’s annoying? Why is that even a concern? The truth is, no one thinks about what you post nearly as much as you do.  

I can’t blog without mentioning the iconic Indy Blue. The queen of oversharing and being personal online. I feel like she’s my friend and she doesn’t even know my name. But she makes me feel like she does. She sits down and shares a story, which is my favorite thing to do. She’s also still blogging in 2021! Obviously, I’m not Indy Blue. But I have the same MO as her. I want people to feel like they know me.

If I barely know you and you’ve told me how much you like my stories, I would die on a hill for you. I talk online as if I’m talking to my friends, because I am. One hundred people might hate it, but at least one person will enjoy it. Even if that one person is just my mom! And at the end of the day, I really enjoy them too. 

I saw a TikTok (lol) where this girl talked about how someone asked her how she was so confident and she just said, “well why wouldn’t I be?” That’s it. I’ve thought about that video almost everyday since I saw it. We create the feelings of shame and embarrassment in our own heads. We give those thoughts power over our actions. And for what? So people don’t think you’re annoying? Someone is always going to think you’re annoying regardless of what you do. I wanted to make a blog for so long but was so worried about what other people would say or if they would like it. And it just doesn’t matter.

Post the story time video that you think is annoying because I promise you I’ll watch it all the way through. 


Beginner guide to sustainability


I went to a concert alone & you should too.