30 by 30 and other things

I made a “30 by 30” list last year full of places I want to see and things I want to do. Number three on the list is “live abroad for at least two months.” Some of the things on my silly little bucket list are more practical than others, and living abroad was arguably one of the less practical ones. 

Next week, I’ll have been in London for two months and number three will successfully be crossed off! And I’m really proud of myself. I love London and feel really grateful to be here. I used to dreammmmm about the life I’m currently living. 

Here’s a quick rundown of the last (almost) two months: 

I have a love/hate relationship with public transportation. I’ve read seven books since I arrived. I’ve found coffee shops to be a regular at and girls who are a lot of fun. I cook dinner every night, and if you doubted my abilities, this is my “I told you so” moment. I’m arguably the most relaxed I’ll ever be in my life because I have this crazy thing called free time. I think Greenwich Park is one of my favorite places in the entire world. I’m trying to give a British baby an American accent. 

Anyways, enough with the recap and back to my inner ramblings. 

I’ve always been worried about waking up one day and being dissatisfied with my life. I now feel fairly confident that won’t happen. I’m aware that’s a bold statement to make when I’m freshly 22-years-old. But! I feel it in my bones, and I trust myself to make it happen. Like I’ve said before, maybe I’m just a little delusional and overconfident that I’ll accomplish everything I want in life. But, what’s the harm in having a little faith in yourself? 

I already feel nostalgic for this time, and I’m simultaneously already excited about the next era. Life is moving fast. It seems like just yesterday I was writing about how excited I was to move abroad, and here we are! Two months down! (Kinda. I know I’m jumping the gun a little. Let me live!) Love you bye. 


I’ve cried 81 times this year (so far)


Another August